Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Emme Lee

Well -- Emme is 3! I just can't even tell you how over joyed I am that I have such a sweet and funny little girl in our life. As many of you know, I struggled last year with my relationship with Emme. I was getting very frustrated with her and she really wasn't taking to me. After your prayers and suggestions, we have become so close. Last night, she placed her head on my chest and we watched The Bachelorette together... yes, what a moment ;) But seriously, I was so worried about us being close and forming a bond, and we really have, it's never too late or early to focus on your relationships with your children.

I have learned that Emme is very funny and makes all of us laugh. She is also a fast learner and very athletic. If you could see this child swim -- you would be amazed. She can just about swim the length of the pool. I just have to brag on her, this is my blog, right?

Anyway, enjoy these sweet pictures of her last 3 years of celebration. Again, Praise to God for all of the blessings that Emme has brought to our family.

The day Emme was born. Already bonding with Papa Joe -- a funny "for shadowng" of their current relationship. Emme and Papa Joe are very close.
Happy 1st Birthday! She had her birthday at the local Coppell pool

Happy 2nd Birthday, loved Dora! We had her party at Bedford Splash

Still loves Dora at 3! She also likes Tinker Bell, coloring and candy. We had her party at Flower Mound Waterpark -- do you see a trend here with her parties? Where will we be next year?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Great Long Weekend.. and Yes.. a Pedicure

We had a great weekend full of fun activities to celebrate the 4th. We headed out to Granbury to visit The Burnfield gang.

Yesterday, I had a Holiday day at work, but Abby was still here, so I was able to get some closets organized... and I am now ready for my upcoming Scrapbook Weekend! A bunch of ladies go to my friends house for the weekend and we scrapbook. I got all of my pages ready yesterday and got my supplies. And yes, I finally got my pedicure. I snuck out of the house yesterday several times when the girls were there with Abby. Last night, Elle looked at my toes and said, "mom, when did you get your toes painted?" She was very confused and totally busted me for going to get them painted without her.

Here we are at the Pecan Plantation Street Dance

Elle, Emme, Spencer and Carlee Joe having a great time
Here is Emme at the Parade in Granbury

Spencer and Elle at Lunch

Brad and Joe took the girls fishing, and they had so much fun. I went the next day with them and caught a few my self! We had a net that caught bait fish and then the kids picked up the bait fish and placed them in the bucket.. gross!

Princess Fishing pole caught 3 fishes!