Monday, April 26, 2010

Florida Pictures

This was a on the patio at the Ritz during one of the parties on the trip Yes, we sang all night. We got everyone else going too. Here I am singing "What's UP" by Four Non Blondes. It was a success!
From our room at the Ritz. Just a beautiful place!
Here is our Salsa dancing insructor in Miami. She was awesome!
We look so cheesy! We are in Miami on Ocean Drive eating at a great breakfast place!

Here is the beach in Miami - -it is pretty!!
Here is Elle and Ritz, the girls love him!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Six From April

How many times have I started a blog "it's been a long time since I have posted an update?" Honestly, as much as you hear this -- I am amazed that we are heading into the last weeks of April.

I thought it would be easy/fun to post the 6 big things about April!

1. Elle's Party -- We have been talking about this party for a while and it was so great to see it play out -- except for the fact when we got to the theatre, I had purchased tickets for the wrong day!! Thankfully, the ticket manager was able to find us another 25 seats -- and didn't make me pay. All of their friends were so cute and had a great time. I am so proud of Elle, she really makes me happy and is growing up so fast. I just found this email that I wrote to myself one night in bed (I wrote it in the past tense, not sure why, maybe I thought that I would post it in her scrapbook later on) -- Here it is " Elle at age five always wanted to know when she would become a mommy. She asked me about each birthday and what each year would bring. She asked when she would go to college. I told her 18 and then she asked would she still have a mom when she goes to college and who would she would live with. She then asked would she be a mommy at that point and I told her when she was older and was married and she said, so all I have to do is choose which one to marry and then she can be a mommy." Just that easy, right? Anyway, enjoy these pictures.

2. Easter - Success! -- Easter, my favorite holiday, was just magniciant. We spent the day with the family and reflected on the Love and the Sacrifice Jesus made and gave. Here are the kiddos, they love them some Easter too.

3. Another one bites the dust? Emme's Guinea Pig died too!! This time, Cody, our dog, got in and sorta wrestled with it until it no longer lived. She said she didn't want another one, so we still have our new one "Scratchy" and he seems to be doing good -- but this Guinea pig thing is a day to day thing, and each morning I pray he is still alive.

4. Hair CUT! Wow, both girls got their hair cut so short. But, we love it and it will be great for the summer.

5. Best Vacation! Joe and I went to Miami and Naples on his company Top Performers Club trip. What an honor! I am really proud of Joe, really am. It was funny though. On the last night of the Awards Ceremony, everyman was getting up there after given their award and they would always say, "I love my wife. I owe this to my wife.My wife is so special" blah blah. Aren't I bad???? Anyway, I turned to him and said don't go up there and gush all over me. You did this, you persevered those long nights and crazy days. You placed your family first, and still had time to make work successful. I wasn't any help -- if anything, when you called, I probably complained that your plane was running late. Anyway, we were laughing and sure enough he got up there and gushed over his boss, Pete. And took a jab at me, and everyone laughed. Seriously, he did deserve this trip and it was great to see him around all of the Leaders at his work, they truly respect him and like him. Some of the highlights from the trip -- Salsa Dancing, Para sailing, Massage, Golf for Joe, Drinks by the Pool, Great Shopping, etc.

6. Another pet. We sure did have a lot of pets come and go in April. This time, it's another dog. While we were in Naples, a neighbor found this dog and kept it for 5 days looking for the owner. They were about to take it to the pound -- when I emailed them to wait until we got back. They brought the dog over and we named him "Ritz." So far, the dog is great. He is potty trained and very calm. Joe doesn't want to keep him -- I am not sure what we are going to do… we will keep you posted!