Monday, August 25, 2008

Crowded Bed

After a wonderful, full day in Granbury, the kids fell asleep in the car just as we were pulling out of Jenni and Brad's house. Joe and I were excited that the kids were already asleep and we would be able to transfer them into bed and then get some sleep ourselves! All was going well, when suddenly at midnight a very loud alarm went off in the house. Joe and I jumped out of the bed so fast it was almost comical. We had no idea what was going on. Was someone trying to break in, was there a fire, was it carbon monoxide?

The sound wouldn't shut off and we racing from room to room and Joe even got into the attic. The noise suddenly stopped and then came on once more for a few seconds. We had no idea what was going on. I went outside to see if I could see anything -- not sure what I was looking for, but we wanted to make sure everything was normal. As we were sitting on the stairs and at this time laughing because I started quoting Queen Latifa in "Bringing Down the House." When Steve Martin tries to wake her up, and she shoots out of bed in an awkward position and says "who'dat, who dere." So were laughing, but a little scared still, I looked up and noticed that the smoke alarm was blinking red -- this had to be what was wrong, just out of batteries.

Joe was not convinced, because at our last home if the smoke alarm needed new batteries, it just beeped occasionally and never let off a long, loud sound. Our neighbors scared us a while back by telling us that even though the garage door is up, you should still never let your car idle in the garage. We do this all of the time -- but now of course have limited the time the car idles -- so now were afraid, what if there is carbon monoxide build up in our house? So, I went to the detector again and it didn't show any warning signs of high levels.

I suggested heading back to bed; but Joe wanted to get the girls just in case there was a mysterious fire in the upstairs attic. So, we all slept (or didn't sleep) in our bed last night. Needless to say, we are all fine and so is the house. But, made for an eventful night. Has this happend to you? Would love to hear your story!

I hope to get some pictures up from this past weekend. It was so fun!


Stacy P. said...

Oh my! That doesn't sound like any sorry that happened to you. Have a good day.

Missy said...
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Missy said...

That is a funny story! Your Queen Latifa commentary cracked me up!! I hope you guys figure out what it was - bummer!

KARA said...

there really is nothing more annoying than being bolted out of your bed! Eric and I were on an oh so rare weekend alone and the super nice hotel we were at had FIRE ALARM issues in the middle of the night. I think Eric almost cried...this was our chance to sleep in and...not so much. I can laugh about it now - I don't know if Eric is ready too though!

KirkKrew said...

Hilarious...or not so hilarious! We had that happen, but it was our smoke alarms. All of ours started going off at once. We couldn't figure out which one to change the batteries in so we had to do all of them until it stopped. Somehow - the girls slept through it all!

We missed you yesterday but I'm glad you had a good day in Granbury!