Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tommy Goes to Two!

Level 2, NICU, that is! Because his conditions have improved, he has been transferred to the Level 2 nursery, this is for babies who are more stable. He is 3 pounds 3 ounces. Because he is anemic, he is having to have three two-hour sessions of blood transfusions today. So, if you are reading this, please be in prayer for that to go smoothly!

This past weekend, we had Ann's baby shower and it was so fun. She got some great items. It is funny... I only had a child 2 years ago and she got some new stuff that I hadn't seen and of course, thought they were so cool!

I love these pictures!!!

We also went to another pumpkin patch by our house on Sunday and the girls had so much fun picking out pumpkins to take back to their school for their Halloween Party.

1 comment:

KARA said...

That Tommy - he's a fiesty little guy...no "wimpy white boy" there!!

Loved the pics of the girls and pumpkins, Elle is looking so old! I think I am in denial about her particularly...don't know why.