Monday, October 19, 2009


I have to record this or I will forget years down the road. When I take the girls to school, I try to pray with them in the car. I usually do the same prayer each time.
Last week, when we were getting in the car, Elle said, I want to pray this morning. I said ok.

Here is what she said (mind you, she is using alot of the same words that I use, but adds her own in at times)

"Dear Jesus. Be with Emme as she goes to school today to play with her friends. Be with Daddy as he goes to work on the plane. Be with Mommy as she goes to work, allow her to have a good time and allow her to see the candy lady and bring me candy. Let us all come back together again"

It was just so cute... and she was using "be with" and "allow" -- It really did fill my heart with joy!

1 comment:

jake and miles said...

That is so sweet! I've started saying the prayer my family said when I was growing up with the boys each night before bed. And I love it when you can hear the parents through their kids.