Monday, December 21, 2009

Crazy Christmas Sweater

We had our annual Christmas party with the Home Team this weekend - and we all wore Crazy Christmas sweaters -- it was a lot of fun. We also do a "re-gift" exchange and joe ended up with a bread knife and I ended up with a hat and scarf - so we did pretty good!

The weekend ended last night with Christmas Spectacular, me, Joe, Momo and Papa Joe took the girls and they loved it. Elle was glued to the stage -- she said that she loved every act and every song and when I asked her again what was her favorite part of the show, she said "why do you keep asking me this? I have told yall 15 times that I liked every song." well -- that is just our little sweet 4 year old!

Emme on the other hand, after the intermission -- she walked out of her seat and whispered to me -- "I am going home now." So anyway, we took turns taking her up to the top or outside for breaks.

I would say over all my girls did pretty well -- however a lady in front of me thought different. She looked back everytime anyone of us said anything. Even as Elle was singing along with the Rockette's, she looked back at us. I finally said to her "Can I help you with something?" She said "what?" and I said "Can I help you with something?" She didn't look back again.

I am hoping I will blog alot this week considering all of the activites we have planned in Conore. Needless to say, we are all ready for this week and can't wait to spend some time with the family.

Yes, Joe won 2nd place in his category -- but I am not sure if it was the female or male category!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Am I Still Cool? I Still Am, Right?

I have not blogged in forever! I am so behind on this, but I have a lot of things to write about.

One of my best friends from home, Stacey, is getting married and Joe and I went to Houston for her shower. As I sitting by an old friend, a guy friend of mine and we were talking about high school, of course -- and he said something about my cool Mustang Convertible I had -- of course ;) and I was just trying to convince him that I am still way cool in my 30's!

When I started to tell him how cool I was -- I had to mention that I drive a Minivan and drive really fast with my window down singing "I put my hands up, their playn' my song," I workout at Curves, go to bed around 9 pm and just probably some more things about how cool I was. Anyway, it was an interesting conversation and you probably think that I was left depressed -- but not really... because I just kept thinking about my sweet hubby and my 2 great girls and you know what -- that makes me the coolest person, or at least cool mom. My friend Rachelle calls me "the fun mom" sorta making fun at me at the same time, but I secretly love it!!

Stacey and me at the shower! The shower was so fun!!
Joe and I went to New York last week and it was a great time. We saw all of the fun things in NY, ate great food, shopped and saw Wicked and Mama Mia.
By far the best play I have ever seen -- Wicked!!

Before Joe met me in New York, I was north of the city at an HR conference and we had a 70's night. This is my team, Jessica, me and Betsy (my manager).
I love this time of year and especially running out to my mail box each night checking to see if there are any Christmas cards!!
On another note about Curves. I joined back 1 month ago. From the time I left 17 months ago till November, I had gained an embarrasing 16 pounds -- ouch!!! So, back on it and today I had my first weigh in... after a month, I have not lost any weight, but I did drop 3.75 inches (total for my body) including numbers like: 1.5 inches off my arms and .5 inches of my abdomen. So, that encourages me to keep on keepin on!!