Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Am I Still Cool? I Still Am, Right?

I have not blogged in forever! I am so behind on this, but I have a lot of things to write about.

One of my best friends from home, Stacey, is getting married and Joe and I went to Houston for her shower. As I sitting by an old friend, a guy friend of mine and we were talking about high school, of course -- and he said something about my cool Mustang Convertible I had -- of course ;) and I was just trying to convince him that I am still way cool in my 30's!

When I started to tell him how cool I was -- I had to mention that I drive a Minivan and drive really fast with my window down singing "I put my hands up, their playn' my song," I workout at Curves, go to bed around 9 pm and just probably some more things about how cool I was. Anyway, it was an interesting conversation and you probably think that I was left depressed -- but not really... because I just kept thinking about my sweet hubby and my 2 great girls and you know what -- that makes me the coolest person, or at least cool mom. My friend Rachelle calls me "the fun mom" sorta making fun at me at the same time, but I secretly love it!!

Stacey and me at the shower! The shower was so fun!!
Joe and I went to New York last week and it was a great time. We saw all of the fun things in NY, ate great food, shopped and saw Wicked and Mama Mia.
By far the best play I have ever seen -- Wicked!!

Before Joe met me in New York, I was north of the city at an HR conference and we had a 70's night. This is my team, Jessica, me and Betsy (my manager).
I love this time of year and especially running out to my mail box each night checking to see if there are any Christmas cards!!
On another note about Curves. I joined back 1 month ago. From the time I left 17 months ago till November, I had gained an embarrasing 16 pounds -- ouch!!! So, back on it and today I had my first weigh in... after a month, I have not lost any weight, but I did drop 3.75 inches (total for my body) including numbers like: 1.5 inches off my arms and .5 inches of my abdomen. So, that encourages me to keep on keepin on!!

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