Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Bible Book

I came home from work yesterday and Elle showed me what she worked on that day with D'Ann. She loves making "books" and she loves her stapler! I bought these cool desks from Amazon for the girls and they sit and make crafts on them all the time; and they double as vanities too; I will get some pictures of that soon.

Anyway, Elle drew the pictures and then told D'Ann what to write. This means so much to me that this is what is in her heart and head. She certainly doesn't act like this the majority of the time, and sometimes I worry about her attitude. I just keep praying that her heart is being filled and fed; and I think this is a little answered prayer... and I will take it.... scan it and publish it to the world ;)


1 comment:

The Kaspars said...

WOW! That's awesome and such a sweet girl. Great job Mommy & Daddy :)