Tuesday, May 24, 2011

These Are The Days

I am blessed

I am thankful for one simple day, this past Saturday. It started with a 5K in the morning and skating at night. One activity for adults and one for kids, right?

Not us.

The thing I love the absolutle most about my family -- we do life together. Elle and Emme ran the 5K with us and we turned around and roller skated with them at a birthday party.

I know to hold on to these precious days because I don't know how long it will last.

I do think that joe and I have always made this our priority....I think about when joe and I started dating, we were always together no matter if it was a night out with the guys or a night out with my friends.

This way of life has naturally made its way into our family now, and I just feel so lucky.

I am so blessed that God planned joe for me because of this moment we are in right now.

Sure, he was a great boyfriend, great husband pre kids, but

This is the day

This is the time that the lord truly knew that I would need joe.

Joe is the reason we do so many things as a family.

Joe is one of the good ones -- and I know that I take that for granted everyday.

Yes, I take him for granted -- its just one of my many battles that I have with myself on a daily basis.

These are the days that I want to slow down. These are the days that I will always treasure.

If I am one of those people you pray for, please pray for this: that I take advantage of every moment that presents itself to us and enjoy it as a family.

Here's to a great April and May!

Emme's school picture. It was another great year at CCDC. We repeated the 3's class with Ms Allena and made many new girl friends. Emme really blossomed this year and loved to go to school -- especially to see Addison Fox and Holden

We spent Mother's Day at the Horse races, it was so fun!

Weekends are spent together -- here at Fat Daddy's, we had a great time!

We love celebrating Easter. This year, we went to Granbury

Here is the 5K, I was so proud of them. They ran the first mile in 10 minutes!

Highlight of the year - Powder Puff Football Game. I am on the Cheer board for Coppell Youth Cheerleading. Our annual fundraiser is a game of football! Here's our team. It was a great three weeks of training and competition. I was the starting safety and back up quarter back!

Elle and Emme got to stunt with the big Cheerleaders!
Girls wishing me luck on my jersey

Coach John put me in as QB in the 3rd quarter. we had a great drive, but didn't score!

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