Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Hoopla!

On blogs everywhere and on facebook too, I imagine there will be a quite a few pictures of everyone's kids dressed up in costumes. So, since my girls have 2 costumes, I decided to post early this morning because I am still in a great mood from dropping them off.

Their school went ALL out! All of the kids were dressed up and so were the teachers and you would have thought it was Christmas morning when I woke up the girls to put on their princess dresses. I did their hair and makeup! They have a school party at lunch and Joe and I are going.

Elle is Sleeping Beauty and Emme is Cinderella


KirkKrew said...

They look so cute! I hope my girls will smile like that for their pics tonight! :) Have fun!!!

jake and miles said...

Sara, they are SO gorgeous! It's been too long since I have seen them. Happy Halloween! Alison