Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Favorite Things

I had a great weekend full of friend and family time. I am so thankful for the "place" that the Lord has chosen for me. When your weekend contains your child's best friends party, a family party and then your closest friends over at your own home for've got a good thing SO, I lift up all of the good things to the Lord and thank Him.

My Favorite Things

  • When I go to get Emme out of bed in the morning and she is pretending to sleep. I know this because she has a huge grin on her face
  • When Elle sings No One Like You and Blessed Be the Name. It is so cute
  • When Joe starts a bath for me... and I am the only one who takes it, no kids barging in and jumping in with me
  • Emme's laugh
  • When I talk to Elle on the phone and she says "Hi Mommy"
  • When Elle puts her arm around me in the middle of the night
  • When I go to 7 Salsas with Joe
  • When Emme gets hurt, she reenacts the entire scene so I understand exactly what happens
  • When Emme rambles a really long sentence/story and then asks "Ok?"
  • When Elle and Emme hug each other -- can this please last forever!
  • When I first get to work and sit down at my desk. I am alone and the world is all at peace for at least 15 minutes!
  • Checking the mail for Holiday Photo cards

Mom-O and Papa Joe Sweet Emme

Elle - Getting so old!


Nana and Mimi


jake and miles said...

I can't get over how beautiful your girls are!

KirkKrew said...

Emme's hair is so long! Cute pictures! We had fun on Sunday night too - thanks for opening your home to us!

Missy said...

How sweet! LOVE the pictures! I especially love the stories of Emme rambling and then saying "OK"? So cute! And when she reinacts how she got hurt :)!