Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day at School

I wanted to call attention to the needs that God has met in our lives…. he always meets our needs, but I never stop to take the time to really analyze and recognize the specific things he does. As a working mom, there is a great deal of stress in deciding where your children will go during the day. Last year, the Montessori was great for Elle and Emme. It taught them a lot about structure and education. They also learned a lot about our diverse world we live in. When my neighbor told me she was going to give her kids a break from school for the summer, I thought that was an awesome idea. I found Abby! Or Abby found us… or, the Lord brought us together! When summer was coming to an end, I was in denial of having to find a day care for the girls. I wasn't worried about it at all. there was this peace over me that God would work it out. I didn't know how, but He did.

Long story short, Abby is with us for the fall and the girls are in Pre School 2 days a week. The Lord had it all under control -- from knowing how the girls would be picked up a 2 pm on those days, to meeting Abby's financial and career needs. I didn't know how to put this in my own words, so I started looking for verses online and found this one: Matt 6:31-32 "So do not worry, saying "what shall we eat, or what shall we drink or what shall we wear For the pagans run after all of these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them." The author on this one page, stated this: When we recognize God’s abilities, we can be confident that God knows what we need and that he will take care of us.

CCDC is where the girls go and I couldn't be happier with the school. I look forward to the new learning's, friends and growth that Elle and Emme will experience.

They have a lot of friends at the school -- including our pals Hadley and Hunter
Elle, so excited!
Emme, all grown up!

This past weekend, I went to one of my best friend's baby shower. I just get so excited when my friends are having babies! I just know that they have so much to look forward to and their lives will never be the same. I am so hapy for Jill!!

This weekend, Chase got baptised. He is the first kid in our group that has made this decision. It was a fabulous ceremony and it sparked very good conversations with Elle and Emme.

nu=3293>899>682>2384899773247ot1lsi.jpg"> This picture cracks me up. Elle and Emme see something in the water "Look at that!!" and Hadley is trying to protect them, "Stay back girls, let me look first"

The Smouse Family-- Four under four! Emme just had to be in their family picture.

So, here was our family picture, Emme woudn't come over for it. Is she trying to tell us something?

1 comment:

KARA said...

Elle's pose at the tree cracks me up - such a little lady!! Love it!