Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Don't Love Your Work and Do Your Family

This title comes from a sermon I heard this past week at Jenni and Brad's church, StoneWater. Which I am sure you can listen to online. Anyway, the pastor talked about working on our relationships more as opposed to "checking tasks off of your to-do list."

I must admit, my husband is pretty good at this. He is one of those men that was born to be a father. The pastor warned us "Don't love your job or your hobby and do your family" rather "Love your family and do your job/hobby." So, I must spend a moment bragging on Joe. Joe gets up and goes to work early so he can get home before 6 pm. When Joe has to travel, he goes to his location in one day and hardly has nights he has to spend away from the family. When he gets home, the first thing he does is kiss me (which I am not always so lovingly open for, because if you know me, I just get so tired and touchy by the end of the day) and then runs to the kids. He spends more time playing with them in one night then sometimes I do over the course of the week. I know I should be thankful and never take his affection for granted.

So, as a result of this message we heard, we are trying not to worry about the little tasks around the house knowing that we won't ever get it all done, and try to really pay attention to the girls and to each other for those few hours we have as a family in the evenings.
I remember my dad being at every event and I am glad that I married a man who values the same thing -- relationships.

The pastor also talked about Mary and Martha and I think my friend Stacy read and recommended this book "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" the review states "a fresh approach to the familiar Bible story, Joanna Weaver shows how all of us–Marys and Marthas alike–can draw closer to our Lord: deepening our devotion, strengthening our service, and doing both with less stress and greater joy."

Here are a few pictures from the weekend. Top: Elle and Spencer driving the jeep, this scared me a bit... I am glad I don't have boys, cause I am sure there would be much more scary times then this! I love the one with Carlee Jo and her grandparents after the dedication. Also, this is what a typical weekend looks like -- Joe playing with his girls, making them laugh.

I wanted to also let you know that I have started a praise and prayer wall in my cube at work. If you need me to pray for someone, please email me and I will post it up on my board and remember to pray for them on a daily basis.


KirkKrew said...

Sounds like it was a great message. I think it's a wonderful reminder for all of us. Thanks for sharing it!

KARA said...

Family is truly one of my life's biggest blessings as well - what a great reminder to devote the kind of time to them all that equals the value that I place on them.

Stacy P. said...

Thanks for sharing this post...I need to be more diligent about family time and less about checking off things to do!