Friday, August 22, 2008

School is Cool and Impressive

Elle is obsessed with words that rhyme -- so this title is for her. Elle and Emme's last day with Jackie was July 31 and we do miss her tons! We are so thankful for everything she did for us these past 3 years, she truly was another additional to our family and took in the girls as her own grand kids!

We started Coppell Creek Montessori on August 1 and it has been wonderful. We have another wonderful "head master" whom we just adore. Spencer came with me on Wednesday to pick them up and he really liked the school too. The next morning when I was taking them to school, I told Elle "Spencer really liked your school" and Elle simply said, "Yes, I know. It impressed him." I have no idea where she gets her vocabulary -- it cracks me up.

Two praises for the day: 1) My sister called and her sono today showed the baby doing well and weighing 1 lb 8 oz -- and the placenta is getting good blood flow. She is 26 weeks - and we just pray she can go at least 4 more weeks! 2)My friend Catie had her baby last night. Thank you to all that prayed for her during this pregnancy and during her husbands battle with cancer - which he won!


Stacy P. said...

I love the post about Jackie and I am so glad the kids like their new school. Most of all, I praise God for your two praises!! We will continue to pray for your sister and family for a healthy baby. Also, I am so excited for your friend to have had her baby and for her husband to be cancer FREE...PRAISE BE TO GOD for His indescribable gifts!!

Chris and Carly said...

Hi Sara - love the blog! Of course your blog would be so awesome! Glad to hear the news on your sister!

KirkKrew said...

Great news on your sister and Catie!! Awesome!

I'm so glad the girls love school. They look so grown up in those pictures!

It was good to see you tonight!

KARA said...

What I was most "impressed" with (gotta love kids and their vocabularies) was the girls little shoes - leave it to you to have them looking so cute and matching! Most "impressive" though is the good news about Ann and your friend...God is good - he is so good!!