Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Want Daddy!

Today is a short blog, just asking a simple question really.

Emme is a "hoarder." She likes to grab everything in site and take it to the car with her. So, my car is very full of her toys. I was trying to get her out of the house this morning to go to school and she wanted to take the DVD player to the car. When I said no, she started crying and said "I want Daddy."

My response.

"Believe me, I wish your daddy was here too."

Does this happen to you? Why do they always want their daddy when I tell them no?


KARA said...

oh Sara - I literally laughed out loud at my desk. I just said those exact words to Jackson the other night only a little more sarcastically. "you know what "BUDDY" I wish daddy was here too!". I did find out from Eric though that once in a blue moon the tides actually turn the other way too! One thing I have started doing when I am talking with Jackson about something he did wrong is to include "I know daddy would be as disappointed as I am in how you are acting". I did have to bite my tongue to keep from smiling though the other day when I scolded Jackson, we talked and forgave and then after a few quiet minutes he said "do think Daddy will be mad at me when he gets home?". (sorry for the long comment but you gave me a good laugh)

KirkKrew said...

My girls often say "I want Gigi" or "I want my Lolly". They always seem to want who they don't have. Isn't it that way with everything in life?

This morning Landrie told me that I didn't like her cool ideas and that she wanted another mommmy. The things they will say...

Chris and Carly said...

ha ha - us too. Price got really mad while I was changing his diaper the other day - and I really thought they were too young for this - but he screamed "DA DA" the whole time.

Chris and Carly said...

Chris' comment on this just now was "they always want Dada b/c I'm the best"...whatever. :)