Monday, September 15, 2008

Praise You in the Storm

Oh, my favorite Casting Crowns song... so good and so true (I'll post the lyrics below).

I must have heard this song a half a dozen times while I was in Houston last weekend. The DJ of the Christian Radio Station would say "this song is appropriate for the anticipation of Hurricane Ike."

I thought alot about this song on my way back from Houston on Friday. Seeing what Ann has gone through, it is sorta hard to say "ok Lord, I WILL praise you through all of this..." and then I saw Tommy - and that is all it took, one look at that sweet little face and his dimple on his chin (just like his daddy's). Tommy had a procedure on his heart on Friday and so far he is doing good. They were all in the hospital when Ike hit and they did loose power, but generators were available.

Mom, Dad and Nana are here right now. They also brought Brian's mom up who is going to stay at her cousins house. I am waiting to hear what my aunt and uncle will do. I have also emailed all of my friends asking them to check in too... what devistation for the Galvez and Houston areas.

I am not sure how to see the good in such an awful storm that left so many homeless and without power. So, that is my struggle this morning. But, I do continue to pray for those impacted.

Here are some pictures from Ann and Brian's house, they got lucky, no trees fell on their home.
Praise You in This Stormwords by Mark Hall/music by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms
I was sure by now, That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away, Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say “Amen”, and it’s still raining
As the thunder rolls, I barely hear Your whisper through the rain“I’m with you”
And as You mercy fallsI raise my hands and praise the God who gives And takes away
I’ll praise You in this storm And I will life my hands
For You are who You are No matter where I am
Every tear I’ve cried You hold in Your hand You never left my side
And though my heart is torn, I will praise , You in this storm


KARA said...

Love LOVE that song! I commend you for praising him in the storm - I'm sure it is difficult. As I have watched others do it though, I truly feel that has been their biggest witness - how they have handled adversity...whatever it may be. Watching someone handle the highest of highs and the lowest of lows truly shows the core of who they are as a person.

KirkKrew said...

I'm glad you're home and everyone is safe. I will continue to pray for that sweet boy and his family. :)

Missy said...

Love this song too! We are glad you made it home safe! We are definitely still praying for sweet Tommy and your sister!! Also, we'll keep everyone in the Houston area in our sister and her husband are still without power too. My grandparents are here staying with my parents until they get power back. Luckily neither of their homes were damaged.

Chris and Carly said...

Really it is an awesome praise! And amazing how in a literal and figurative storm their precious baby has been born. We are praying for Tommy.