Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is it May?

WOW, it's been way too long since I have blogged. I honestly, honestly, don't know where April went or even what happened in April. March and April are my "busy" months at work and boy, was it busy. I am literally flipping through my calendar so I can tell you what I have been up to….

Ok, so Easter was in April, that was fun and I already blogged about that. Let's see…. well, I guess the biggest thing is that Joe and I went with my sister and Brian to New Orleans for Jazz Fest. It was so fun and so relaxing. We saw Better Than Ezra (shout out to my high school gals) and also Dave Mathews Band. Better Than Ezra were fantastic, I mean, just so great. Also, Dave was the best I had seen, and I have seen them many many times. It probably helped that the weather was gorgeous and we were just chillin. No pictures from New Orleans, none of us had our camera, but it was refreshing to go somewhere and not have to stop for pictures. If you have not been to New Orleans, or it has been a while, you've got to back, it was too much fun!

We went to Spencer's birthday and it was a great time. I am looking forward to this weekend, Mothers Day. Not sure what is planned, but it just serves a reminder of how blessed I am with my little girls. Speaking of Elle and Emme, they have been really sweet lately. The morning times have been unusually good. One morning we had Crazy Hair day and we put as many pony tails as we could. The girls are looking forward to the summer. We have hired a nanny to come and stay with them so they can have a break from school.

One morning, Emme got out of bed while I was working in the office... she was in a happy mood, so I captured it.
Crazy Hair!
Before School

Spencer's Party
This is Brad... pretty amazing at his age :)

I was trying to get them to scoot together, but oh well!

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