Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Item # 2 - Complete!

Well, here is my new hair cut. I got about 10 inches cut off and will send it off to Locks of Love.

On Sunday night we had a Goodbye party for our good friends, Andy and Kimia. They are moving to Bahrain (outside of Saudi Arabia). We will miss them so much!!

This past weekend was packed full of fun. Elle and Emme had their dance recital, and they did so good. During the tap performance, Elle did a kick and kicked her tap shoe off into the air. It landed on the stage and her eyes got really big and then looked at me and I said "you can do it, just keep going." And she did! She finished the routine with one tap show, at the end of the performance, I said, Elle, "you did it, the show must go on!" I was proud of her.

They also ended a two week swim lesson and both are doing great in the water and off the diving board.


jake and miles said...

I'm so glad you're taking some 'me' time for yourself! Your haircut looks really great. The girls are adorable in their recital outfits...how fun!

KirkKrew said...

Loved the pictures! Emme looks like a real ballerina in that pose!