Friday, August 14, 2009

Rock Star & Princess Camps

Elle and Emme have had a great summer. Abby (our nanny) has been a wonderful addtion to our daily life and praise the good Lord, she is going to stay through the Fall. The girls are more than excited.

Here are two of the fun things they have done this summer

They went to Princess Camp and Rock Star Camp. Both classes taught them a dance and they made crafts

Here is the group shot for Princess Camp. Elle, Piper, Emme and Lindsay are all on the top row, starting from the left
Lindsay and Elle
The girls being silly in the front yard before camp

Sweet Emme performing the dance

Here is Rock Star Camp. Lindsay and Sydney (in the pink sunglasses) and Elle in the green boa, are all on the top row on the right. Emme is bottom row all the way to the right.

Emme, Elle, Lindsay and Sydney
I set up a mini stage at our house, so they could practice, they loved it!!


shamerson said...

how fun - It looks like they had a blast at the dance camps.

Missy said...

HOW FUN!!! What a cute camp! I would love for Campbell to take some type of dance activity soon. I think she would LOVE it!

jake and miles said...

I LOVE the rock star camp!! How cute. They are such the little beauties!

Unknown said...

I love this! Your neighborhood and community is so great! I hope we can find that one day.