Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Date Night is Back, and So is Hadley!

We have "co-op" with our good friends the Smouses.... and before we both had 2 kids, we would watch each others kids while the parents had a date night. A year later, we are now back on. Joe and I watched Hadley and Hunter on Friday night while Robert and Rachelle went to eat and then they watched our girls while we went to the Studio Movie Grill. It was nice to get dressed up and go out with Joe. I hope we are able to keep the "co-op" going. It is so important for our marriages. Last night, I don't even think Joe and I said 3 complete sentences to each other.

Every night during the week, we have something to do. Monday night he has Softball, so we go watch him play. Tuesday and Thursday I like to go to my Nia class (Joe cooks) and Wednesday he and Elle have Soccer and Emme and I spend time doing what she wants to do. Last week we rode bikes in our cul-de-sac.

I think our schedule is fine because everyone is getting a chance to do something active So, I don't want to say "oh we are so busy." Because I think the phrase is over used and sounds so negative. We all have the choice to do what we want and need to do to get through the week. So, I need a new word besides BUSY. Who can offer me one to use?

All that being said, Joe and I hardly get a chance to talk in complete sentences. So, getting out once a month on a regular basis is great. I think Joe and I are very lucky in the sense that we do get out and do fun things because our group of friends is always up to something and his mom will always take the kids. However, adding this "co-op" allows us to get out alone -- which is hard for us because we like to go out with other people. There are people who are fun to go to eat with, there are people who are fun to invite over for a cook-out, there are people who are fun to go to amusement parks with and so on. My point is, we are always asking "ok, who should we go do this with, or, so and so invited us over."

We love people, heck, we love our friends! But, it is good to go out alone, even if that means you don't have anything really to talk about, because you make a vow not to leave the kids with a sitter and go out and talk about the kids!

Just looking over at Joe and knowing that he is mine and he is my rock and safety net, that is what being alone is all about. The knowing that all is ok, even in the quiet.
The month of August and September were full of fun things and in all of those fun events, we missed Hadley! They played all weekend together and got along great!

Hadley (#0) and Elle (#5) are on the Green Giants together.

They also found a cozy spot to watch Oswald!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Want Daddy!

Today is a short blog, just asking a simple question really.

Emme is a "hoarder." She likes to grab everything in site and take it to the car with her. So, my car is very full of her toys. I was trying to get her out of the house this morning to go to school and she wanted to take the DVD player to the car. When I said no, she started crying and said "I want Daddy."

My response.

"Believe me, I wish your daddy was here too."

Does this happen to you? Why do they always want their daddy when I tell them no?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cowboys and Green Giants

This past weekend actually started on Thursday for us. The Coppell Cowboys (local high school) had a Homecoming Parade. We went to our neighbors for pizza and then we all walked to the parade. It was so fun.

Saturday was the Green Giants first game! Coached by Joe, the Green Giants is a 3 year old soccer team. These toddlers don't quite understand the game and get very upset when someone else kicks the ball. I had to practically bribe Elle with Popsicles to get out on the field and play. The highlight of the game for #5 was when the other team's superstar was running down the field on his way to make his 3rd goal.... I told Elle to run down the field and turn around and when the little boy was coming towards her, then to kick the ball the other way, and she did! She was so proud of herself and I was proud of her too. Learning about defense early is important ;). Joe coached a great game and has wonderful patience. The kids love him! It is going to be a great season

Joe is out of town for a few days, and Maggie has Emme and I have Elle. Yesterday, as I was taking Elle to school, I said, "When I pick you up, we are going to go to the 99cent store, and I will let you buy some Princess stuff and then we are going to go eat, we are going to have fun." She then said to me, "It will be our special day, just me and yours." Just me and yours, I kept replaying that in my mind yesterday, it was just so cute!


Here are some recent pictures of Thomas. He is up over 2 lbs now. I love the picture of Ann looking in on him. In that picture, you can see the Little Giraffe blanket to the left of him. This is the little face blanket, and as you can see, he is not as long as the little blanket. I can't wait to see him again!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

In a Funk

I am in a funk. Have been here all week it seems. I can list a few reasons I think this is the case (in no order):

1. I have not been to my Nia class in forever
2. I have been eating like crap!
3. We have been out of town or volunteering at church and as a result, haven't made it to an actual service in about 2 months!
4. I started my new devotional, and love it, but have not read it all week, and I think my Grandma may have hijacked it when she was here ;) I showed her the book and her read it while she was here, but not sure I communicated that I actually needed it back, it may be somewhere in my messy house
5. Work. Work is great, and not too terribly busy, but I am stuck some where between the "Have to do's" the "want to do's" and the "need to do's"
6. Politics: No matter what side you are on, you have got to be so sick of the media. I happen to be for John and Sara and if you are on this side of things, the media seems to be so biased. Take for instance, last night on Extra, they said "Barack raised 9 million dollars last night.... and now let's look at Sara Palin's clothing costs, she wears high priced suits in this time of financial crisis." COME ON PEOPLE!
7. Thomas: I wish tomorrow was November and he could be out of the hospital. Poor little guy. I miss him so much and care for him and worry for him.

Anyway, I know there are seasons in life and I know I need to pick my butt up and start working out and eating right. I know what I need to do. I know I have the family support to do it. I know with Christ I can do this.

So, why am I not taking the right steps to get out of this funk?
Latest from Tommy:

He is on the CPAP - positive airway pressure, basically oxygen in his nose so he does not get tired breathing on his own.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Praise You in the Storm

Oh, my favorite Casting Crowns song... so good and so true (I'll post the lyrics below).

I must have heard this song a half a dozen times while I was in Houston last weekend. The DJ of the Christian Radio Station would say "this song is appropriate for the anticipation of Hurricane Ike."

I thought alot about this song on my way back from Houston on Friday. Seeing what Ann has gone through, it is sorta hard to say "ok Lord, I WILL praise you through all of this..." and then I saw Tommy - and that is all it took, one look at that sweet little face and his dimple on his chin (just like his daddy's). Tommy had a procedure on his heart on Friday and so far he is doing good. They were all in the hospital when Ike hit and they did loose power, but generators were available.

Mom, Dad and Nana are here right now. They also brought Brian's mom up who is going to stay at her cousins house. I am waiting to hear what my aunt and uncle will do. I have also emailed all of my friends asking them to check in too... what devistation for the Galvez and Houston areas.

I am not sure how to see the good in such an awful storm that left so many homeless and without power. So, that is my struggle this morning. But, I do continue to pray for those impacted.

Here are some pictures from Ann and Brian's house, they got lucky, no trees fell on their home.
Praise You in This Stormwords by Mark Hall/music by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms
I was sure by now, That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away, Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say “Amen”, and it’s still raining
As the thunder rolls, I barely hear Your whisper through the rain“I’m with you”
And as You mercy fallsI raise my hands and praise the God who gives And takes away
I’ll praise You in this storm And I will life my hands
For You are who You are No matter where I am
Every tear I’ve cried You hold in Your hand You never left my side
And though my heart is torn, I will praise , You in this storm

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Time for Everything

Oh timing. Don’t you love when people tell you exactly the month and year when they are going to get married, have kids, quit their jobs, etc… ?

Well, if I looked in the mirror, I would have to be staring at the very person who had (and has) a plan for everything.

Very few times have I completely agreed 100% with God’s timing. I look back at those other times when I questioned it and now understand just how perfect His timing really is.

Take for example when Joe walked into my life. I had just been dumped for the last time and I wasn’t going to try this serious relationship stuff again. And why should I have? I was in my final year at Baylor and wanted to have fun. Well, God had other plans for me. It wasn’t that I was upset at the time that I met Joe, it was the exact opposite, but I just didn’t want it to get too serious. Well, nothing stops His plans.

Of course, we all have some sort of story about our dream “conception” and “birth” was supposed to go. Mine didn’t pan out like I had planned either – but you know, the time was Perfect and I can see why Elle and Emme were conceived and born when they were.

This is on my mind because my little nephew was born yesterday. He was 29 weeks gestation and he was ready to come out. The “timing” in this case is both a praise and prayer. Since Ann had been in the hospital since 23 weeks, it really was amazing that she was able to make it to 29 weeks – but at the same time, the timing is hard because he is so small – only weighing 1 pound 13 oz. I know he is a fighter and I know the good timing of God will all be apparent in no time.

Introducing Thomas “Tommy” David Bilello

Please tell me about your perfect or not so perfect timing.

I read this at Ann and Brian’s rehearsal dinner, so I thought it was very fitting for this day too.

A Time for Everything
1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
6 a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Obviously it is also time for me to be stuck in Houston with a hurricane too. Pray for Hurricane Ike to slow down.

Monday, September 8, 2008

3 Cheers to 3 Years!

The BRAT's went to Port A again for the third time, and it was so much fun. Of course, it wasn't quite the same without the Tinsley clan... and we were thinking of them alot!

BRAT's stands for Burnfield, Ratliff and Tinsley -- families that go to hang out on the beach for a week. We love going this time of year because no one is at the resort and we have the beach and pool all to ourselves.

Not too surprising if you know me, but we have the entire trip planned out in advanced and we just had so much fun with all of the activities and food! Chuck and Sandy Burnfield made our shirts this year and they were awsome, they had a FRAT Party theme, so funny.
Anyway, Mom-O hosted a Mermaids and Pirate Tea Party while the dad's and granddad's went fishing. She made all of the dresses, they were so cute.

New to this years agenda was a night of Karaoke at a local joint. Jenni, Brad, Me and Joe all sang -- it was a blast. Dibs go to Joe and Brad for actually singing a really great rendition of the Good Ole Boys! We made their blog, only in pictures, thank goodness, our singing didn't make it. Go to http://lovettskaraoke.blogspot.com/ and click on the picture at the very top of the dude in an orange hat. It is a slide show and we are all over it. So funny. Ok, I was getting really serious, because my eyes are closed in all of the pictures!

I am glad to be back, but alot to catch up on!

Ann update: My family was unable to join this trip due to my little nephew trying to come out and see us early. Ann is going into to her 29 week -- 6 weeks now at the hospital. Currently, she is hooked up to the monitor for 24 hours because he is not making too many movements. His heartbeat is strong and we are just waiting on the doctor to come and see her to give her next steps. Thank you all for your prayers and concern. My moto continues to be "Shock the heck out of Dr Adam every time she scans my little miracle nephew!"

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Love Thy Neighbor

One thing we really like about our new house is our neighborhood! We have so many great neighbors with young kids whom Elle and Emme really like!

Our immediate neighbors to the right are the Rozas's. Their kitchen window opens up to our side yard and Saturday morning we went to get the mail and saw Lindsey looking out, and of course, our girls ran up to her! That is how it is every once in a while and it is so fun to be friends with your next door neighbor.

We lived in our previous home for 5 years and hardly knew anyone on the street! So, it is very fun for us to walk out our front door and talk to those that live near by!

The long weekend kicked off with a fun dinner at our close friends home, the Cheathams. I love this picture of the kids by the cooler. Elle looks so old in the picture too!

Saturday night, we went to Jeanne and Blaine's home for a dinner and a swim. Pictured is Emme, Lindsay, Elle and Wyatt!

Sunday, we went to Bedford Splash with Momo and the Smouses! No pictures, but we had so much fun and no one was there, it was nice.

Monday, we braved Six Flags and I mean braved! It was SO crowded and very confusing for the girls, since most of the time we go there is no one there! This time, we had free passes for a friend, so we brought Momo and Papa Joe. Momo hadn't been on a ride in a very long time and I use the term "ride" lightly. Elle got her on the "Mexico Hat" and Momo was screaming louder than Emme! Then on to the big red boat where she was holding Emme so tight, Emme could hardly breath :) I am just poking fun, but it was so great to have them there with us! It was a very fun weekend!