Thursday, September 18, 2008

In a Funk

I am in a funk. Have been here all week it seems. I can list a few reasons I think this is the case (in no order):

1. I have not been to my Nia class in forever
2. I have been eating like crap!
3. We have been out of town or volunteering at church and as a result, haven't made it to an actual service in about 2 months!
4. I started my new devotional, and love it, but have not read it all week, and I think my Grandma may have hijacked it when she was here ;) I showed her the book and her read it while she was here, but not sure I communicated that I actually needed it back, it may be somewhere in my messy house
5. Work. Work is great, and not too terribly busy, but I am stuck some where between the "Have to do's" the "want to do's" and the "need to do's"
6. Politics: No matter what side you are on, you have got to be so sick of the media. I happen to be for John and Sara and if you are on this side of things, the media seems to be so biased. Take for instance, last night on Extra, they said "Barack raised 9 million dollars last night.... and now let's look at Sara Palin's clothing costs, she wears high priced suits in this time of financial crisis." COME ON PEOPLE!
7. Thomas: I wish tomorrow was November and he could be out of the hospital. Poor little guy. I miss him so much and care for him and worry for him.

Anyway, I know there are seasons in life and I know I need to pick my butt up and start working out and eating right. I know what I need to do. I know I have the family support to do it. I know with Christ I can do this.

So, why am I not taking the right steps to get out of this funk?
Latest from Tommy:

He is on the CPAP - positive airway pressure, basically oxygen in his nose so he does not get tired breathing on his own.

1 comment:

KARA said...

Ah the funk...I think I have lived about 1/3 of my life there! Honestly the first thing that came to my mind is "this too shall pass". I know it sounds very "mom" of me but it will and the fact that you can list the things that might cause it means you already are on your way out! I'll be praying for ya girl!!