Every night during the week, we have something to do. Monday night he has Softball, so we go watch him play. Tuesday and Thursday I like to go to my Nia class (Joe cooks) and Wednesday he and Elle have Soccer and Emme and I spend time doing what she wants to do. Last week we rode bikes in our cul-de-sac.
I think our schedule is fine because everyone is getting a chance to do something active So, I don't want to say "oh we are so busy." Because I think the phrase is over used and sounds so negative. We all have the choice to do what we want and need to do to get through the week. So, I need a new word besides BUSY. Who can offer me one to use?
All that being said, Joe and I hardly get a chance to talk in complete sentences. So, getting out once a month on a regular basis is great. I think Joe and I are very lucky in the sense that we do get out and do fun things because our group of friends is always up to something and his mom will always take the kids. However, adding this "co-op" allows us to get out alone -- which is hard for us because we like to go out with other people. There are people who are fun to go to eat with, there are people who are fun to invite over for a cook-out, there are people who are fun to go to amusement parks with and so on. My point is, we are always asking "ok, who should we go do this with, or, so and so invited us over."
We love people, heck, we love our friends! But, it is good to go out alone, even if that means you don't have anything really to talk about, because you make a vow not to leave the kids with a sitter and go out and talk about the kids!
Just looking over at Joe and knowing that he is mine and he is my rock and safety net, that is what being alone is all about. The knowing that all is ok, even in the quiet.
The month of August and September were full of fun things and in all of those fun events, we missed Hadley! They played all weekend together and got along great!
Hadley (#0) and Elle (#5) are on the Green Giants together.

They also found a cozy spot to watch Oswald!

1 comment:
Too cute! I'm glad you all have each other close by to share in the babysitting. It's so important! I can't wait for football to be over so Lamar and I can have a few date nights too. :)
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