Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cowboys and Green Giants

This past weekend actually started on Thursday for us. The Coppell Cowboys (local high school) had a Homecoming Parade. We went to our neighbors for pizza and then we all walked to the parade. It was so fun.

Saturday was the Green Giants first game! Coached by Joe, the Green Giants is a 3 year old soccer team. These toddlers don't quite understand the game and get very upset when someone else kicks the ball. I had to practically bribe Elle with Popsicles to get out on the field and play. The highlight of the game for #5 was when the other team's superstar was running down the field on his way to make his 3rd goal.... I told Elle to run down the field and turn around and when the little boy was coming towards her, then to kick the ball the other way, and she did! She was so proud of herself and I was proud of her too. Learning about defense early is important ;). Joe coached a great game and has wonderful patience. The kids love him! It is going to be a great season

Joe is out of town for a few days, and Maggie has Emme and I have Elle. Yesterday, as I was taking Elle to school, I said, "When I pick you up, we are going to go to the 99cent store, and I will let you buy some Princess stuff and then we are going to go eat, we are going to have fun." She then said to me, "It will be our special day, just me and yours." Just me and yours, I kept replaying that in my mind yesterday, it was just so cute!


Here are some recent pictures of Thomas. He is up over 2 lbs now. I love the picture of Ann looking in on him. In that picture, you can see the Little Giraffe blanket to the left of him. This is the little face blanket, and as you can see, he is not as long as the little blanket. I can't wait to see him again!


Missy said...

That is the cutest thing - "just me and yours" - I love it!! How fun for her to start soccer! I'm sure Joe enjoys coaching too! I love seeing new pictures of sweet Tommy!!

KARA said...

So glad for the update on Tommy...I've been meaning to ask you. I hope he keeps doing great - keep fightin' tiger!